import math
import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from .slayer import spikeLayer
[docs]class spikeLoss(torch.nn.Module):
This class defines different spike based loss modules that can be used to optimize the SNN.
NOTE: By default, this class uses the spike kernels from ``slayer.spikeLayer`` (``snn.layer``).
In some cases, you may want to explicitly use different spike kernels, for e.g. ``slayerLoihi.spikeLayer`` (``snn.loihi``).
In that scenario, you can explicitly pass the class name: ``slayerClass=snn.loihi``
>>> error = spikeLoss.spikeLoss(networkDescriptor)
>>> error = spikeLoss.spikeLoss(errorDescriptor, neuronDesc, simulationDesc)
>>> error = spikeLoss.spikeLoss(netParams, slayerClass=slayerLoihi.spikeLayer)
def __init__(self, errorDescriptor, neuronDesc, simulationDesc, slayerClass=spikeLayer):
super(spikeLoss, self).__init__()
self.neuron = neuronDesc
self.simulation = simulationDesc
self.errorDescriptor = errorDescriptor
# self.slayer = spikeLayer(neuronDesc, simulationDesc)
self.slayer = slayerClass(self.neuron, self.simulation)
def __init__(self, networkDescriptor, slayerClass=spikeLayer):
super(spikeLoss, self).__init__()
self.neuron = networkDescriptor['neuron']
self.simulation = networkDescriptor['simulation']
self.errorDescriptor = networkDescriptor['training']['error']
# self.slayer = spikeLayer(self.neuron, self.simulation)
self.slayer = slayerClass(self.neuron, self.simulation)
[docs] def spikeTime(self, spikeOut, spikeDesired):
Calculates spike loss based on spike time.
The loss is similar to van Rossum distance between output and desired spike train.
.. math::
E = \int_0^T \\left( \\varepsilon * (output -desired) \\right)(t)^2\\ \\text{d}t
* ``spikeOut`` (``torch.tensor``): spike tensor
* ``spikeDesired`` (``torch.tensor``): desired spike tensor
>>> loss = error.spikeTime(spikeOut, spikeDes)
# Tested with autograd, it works
assert self.errorDescriptor['type'] == 'SpikeTime', "Error type is not SpikeTime"
# error = self.psp(spikeOut - spikeDesired)
error = self.slayer.psp(spikeOut - spikeDesired)
return 1/2 * torch.sum(error**2) * self.simulation['Ts']
[docs] def numSpikes(self, spikeOut, desiredClass, numSpikesScale=1):
Calculates spike loss based on number of spikes within a `target region`.
The `target region` and `desired spike count` is specified in ``error.errorDescriptor['tgtSpikeRegion']``
Any spikes outside the target region are penalized with ``error.spikeTime`` loss..
.. math::
e(t) &=
\\frac{acutalSpikeCount - desiredSpikeCount}{targetRegionLength} & \\text{for }t \in targetRegion\\\\
\\left(\\varepsilon * (output - desired)\\right)(t) & \\text{otherwise}
E &= \\int_0^T e(t)^2 \\text{d}t
* ``spikeOut`` (``torch.tensor``): spike tensor
* ``desiredClass`` (``torch.tensor``): one-hot encoded desired class tensor. Time dimension should be 1 and rest of the tensor dimensions should be same as ``spikeOut``.
>>> loss = error.numSpikes(spikeOut, target)
# Tested with autograd, it works
assert self.errorDescriptor['type'] == 'NumSpikes', "Error type is not NumSpikes"
# desiredClass should be one-hot tensor with 5th dimension 1
tgtSpikeRegion = self.errorDescriptor['tgtSpikeRegion']
tgtSpikeCount = self.errorDescriptor['tgtSpikeCount']
startID = np.rint( tgtSpikeRegion['start'] / self.simulation['Ts'] ).astype(int)
stopID = np.rint( tgtSpikeRegion['stop' ] / self.simulation['Ts'] ).astype(int)
actualSpikes = torch.sum(spikeOut[...,startID:stopID], 4, keepdim=True).cpu().detach().numpy() * self.simulation['Ts']
desiredSpikes = np.where(desiredClass.cpu() == True, tgtSpikeCount[True], tgtSpikeCount[False])
# print('actualSpikes :', actualSpikes.flatten())
# print('desiredSpikes:', desiredSpikes.flatten())
errorSpikeCount = (actualSpikes - desiredSpikes) / (stopID - startID) * numSpikesScale
targetRegion = np.zeros(spikeOut.shape)
targetRegion[:,:,:,:,startID:stopID] = 1;
spikeDesired = torch.FloatTensor(targetRegion * spikeOut.cpu().data.numpy()).to(spikeOut.device)
# error = self.psp(spikeOut - spikeDesired)
error = self.slayer.psp(spikeOut - spikeDesired)
error += torch.FloatTensor(errorSpikeCount * targetRegion).to(spikeOut.device)
return 1/2 * torch.sum(error**2) * self.simulation['Ts']
def probSpikes(spikeOut, spikeDesired, probSlidingWindow = 20):
assert self.errorDescriptor['type'] == 'ProbSpikes', "Error type is not ProbSpikes"
# def numSpikesII(self, membranePotential, desiredClass, numSpikeScale=1):
# assert self.errorDescriptor['type'] == 'NumSpikes', "Error type is not NumSpikes"
# # desiredClass should be one-hot tensor with 5th dimension 1
# tgtSpikeRegion = self.errorDescriptor['tgtSpikeRegion']
# tgtSpikeCount = self.errorDescriptor['tgtSpikeCount']
# startID = np.rint( tgtSpikeRegion['start'] / self.simulation['Ts'] ).astype(int)
# stopID = np.rint( tgtSpikeRegion['stop' ] / self.simulation['Ts'] ).astype(int)
# spikeOut = self.slayer.spike(membranePotential)
# spikeDes = torch.zeros(spikeOut.shape, dtype=spikeOut.dtype).to(spikeOut.device)
# actualSpikes = torch.sum(spikeOut[...,startID:stopID], 4, keepdim=True).cpu().detach().numpy() * self.simulation['Ts']
# desiredSpikes = np.where(desiredClass.cpu() == True, tgtSpikeCount[True], tgtSpikeCount[False])
# spikesAER = spikeOut.nonzero().tolist()
# for n in range(spikeOut.shape[0]):
# for c in range(spikeOut.shape[1]):
# for h in range(spikeOut.shape[2]):
# for w in range(spikeOut.shape[3]):
# diff = desiredSpikes[n,c,h,w] - acutalSpikes[n,c,h,w]
# if diff < 0:
# spikesAER[n,c,h,w] = spikesAER[n,c,h,w,:diff]
# elif diff > 0:
# spikeDes[n,c,h,w,(actualInd[:diff] + startID)] = 1 / self.simulation['Ts']
# probableInds = np.random.randint(low=startID, high=stopID, size = diff)