Source code for slayerSNN.learningStats

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs]class learningStat(): ''' This class collect the learning statistics over the epoch. Usage: This class is designed to be used with learningStats instance although it can be used separately. >>> trainingStat = learningStat() ''' def __init__(self): self.lossSum = 0 self.correctSamples = 0 self.numSamples = 0 self.minloss = None self.maxAccuracy = None self.lossLog = [] self.accuracyLog = [] self.bestLoss = False self.bestAccuracy = False
[docs] def reset(self): ''' Reset the learning staistics. This should usually be done before the start of an epoch so that new statistics counts can be accumulated. Usage: >>> trainingStat.reset() ''' self.lossSum = 0 self.correctSamples = 0 self.numSamples = 0
[docs] def loss(self): ''' Returns the average loss calculated from the point the stats was reset. Usage: >>> loss = trainingStat.loss() ''' if self.numSamples > 0: return self.lossSum/self.numSamples else: return None
[docs] def accuracy(self): ''' Returns the average accuracy calculated from the point the stats was reset. Usage: >>> accuracy = trainingStat.accuracy() ''' if self.numSamples > 0 and self.correctSamples > 0: return self.correctSamples/self.numSamples else: return None
[docs] def update(self): ''' Updates the stats of the current session and resets the measures for next session. Usage: >>> trainingStat.update() ''' currentLoss = self.loss() self.lossLog.append(currentLoss) if self.minloss is None: self.minloss = currentLoss else: if currentLoss < self.minloss: self.minloss = currentLoss self.bestLoss = True else: self.bestLoss = False # self.minloss = self.minloss if self.minloss < currentLoss else currentLoss currentAccuracy = self.accuracy() self.accuracyLog.append(currentAccuracy) if self.maxAccuracy is None: self.maxAccuracy = currentAccuracy else: if currentAccuracy > self.maxAccuracy: self.maxAccuracy = currentAccuracy self.bestAccuracy = True else: self.bestAccuracy = False
# self.maxAccuracy = self.maxAccuracy if self.maxAccuracy > currentAccuracy else currentAccuracy def displayString(self): loss = self.loss() accuracy = self.accuracy() minloss = self.minloss maxAccuracy = self.maxAccuracy if loss is None: # no stats available return None elif accuracy is None: if minloss is None: # accuracy and minloss stats is not available return 'loss = %-11.5g'%(loss) else: # accuracy is not available but minloss is available return 'loss = %-11.5g (min = %-11.5g)'%(loss, minloss) else: if minloss is None and maxAccuracy is None: # minloss and maxAccuracy is available return 'loss = %-11.5g %-11s accuracy = %-8.5g %-8s '%(loss, ' ', accuracy, ' ') else: # all stats are available return 'loss = %-11.5g (min = %-11.5g) accuracy = %-8.5g (max = %-8.5g)'%(loss, minloss, accuracy, maxAccuracy)
[docs]class learningStats(): ''' This class provides mechanism to collect learning stats for training and testing, and displaying them efficiently. Usage: .. code-block:: python stats = learningStats() for epoch in range(100): tSt = for i in trainingLoop: # other main stuffs += numberOfCorrectClassification += numberOfSamplesProcessed += currentLoss stats.print(epoch, i, ( - tSt).total_seconds()) stats.testing.reset() for i in testingLoop # other main stuffs stats.testing.correctSamples += numberOfCorrectClassification stats.testing.numSamples += numberOfSamplesProcessed stats.testing.lossSum += currentLoss stats.print(epoch, i) ''' def __init__(self): self.linesPrinted = 0 = learningStat() self.testing = learningStat()
[docs] def update(self): ''' Updates the stats for training and testing and resets the measures for next session. Usage: >>> stats.update() ''' self.testing.update() self.testing.reset()
[docs] def print(self, epoch, iter=None, timeElapsed=None, header=None, footer=None): ''' Prints the available learning statistics from the current session on the console. For Linux systems, prints the data on same terminal space (might not work properly on other systems). Arguments: * ``epoch``: epoch counter to display (required). * ``iter``: iteration counter to display (not required). * ``timeElapsed``: runtime information (not required). * ``header``: things to be printed before printing learning statistics. Default: ``None``. * ``footer``: things to be printed after printing learning statistics. Default: ``None``. Usage: .. code-block:: python # prints stats with epoch index provided stats.print(epoch) # prints stats with epoch index and iteration index provided stats.print(epoch, iter=i) # prints stats with epoch index, iteration index and time elapsed information provided stats.print(epoch, iter=i, timeElapsed=time) ''' print('\033[%dA'%(self.linesPrinted)) self.linesPrinted = 1 epochStr = 'Epoch : %10d'%(epoch) iterStr = '' if iter is None else '(i = %7d)'%(iter) profileStr = '' if timeElapsed is None else ', %12.4f ms elapsed'%(timeElapsed * 1000) if header is not None: for h in header: print('\033[2K'+str(h)) self.linesPrinted +=1 print(epochStr + iterStr + profileStr) print( self.linesPrinted += 2 if self.testing.displayString() is not None: print(self.testing.displayString()) self.linesPrinted += 1 if footer is not None: for f in footer: print('\033[2K'+str(f)) self.linesPrinted +=1
[docs] def plot(self, figures=(1, 2), saveFig=False, path=''): ''' Plots the available learning statistics. Arguments: * ``figures``: Index of figure ID to plot on. Default is figure(1) for loss plot and figure(2) for accuracy plot. * ``saveFig``(``bool``): flag to save figure into a file. * ``path``: path to save the file. Defaule is ``''``. Usage: .. code-block:: python # plot stats stats.plot() # plot stats figures specified stats.print(figures=(10, 11)) ''' plt.figure(figures[0]) plt.cla() if len( > 0: plt.semilogy(, label='Training') if len(self.testing.lossLog) > 0: plt.semilogy(self.testing .lossLog, label='Testing') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Loss') plt.legend() if saveFig is True: plt.savefig(path + 'loss.png') # plt.close() plt.figure(figures[1]) plt.cla() if len( > 0: plt.plot(, label='Training') if len(self.testing.accuracyLog) > 0: plt.plot(self.testing .accuracyLog, label='Testing') plt.xlabel('Epoch') plt.ylabel('Accuracy') plt.legend() if saveFig is True: plt.savefig(path + 'accuracy.png')
# plt.close()
[docs] def save(self, filename=''): ''' Saves the learning satatistics logs. Arguments: * ``filename``: filename to save the logs. ``accuracy.txt`` and ``loss.txt`` will be appended. Usage: .. code-block:: python # save stats # save stats filename specified'Run101-0.001-') # Run101-0.001-accuracy.txt and Run101-0.001-loss.txt ''' with open(filename + 'loss.txt', 'wt') as loss: loss.write('#%11s %11s\r\n'%('Train', 'Test')) for i in range(len( loss.write('%12.6g %12.6g \r\n'%([i], self.testing.lossLog[i])) with open(filename + 'accuracy.txt', 'wt') as accuracy: accuracy.write('#%11s %11s\r\n'%('Train', 'Test')) if != [None]*len( for i in range(len( accuracy.write('%12.6g %12.6g \r\n'%([i], self.testing.accuracyLog[i] if self.testing.accuracyLog[i] is not None else 0, ))
[docs] def load(self, filename='', numEpoch=None, modulo=1): ''' Loads the learning statistics logs from saved files. Arguments: * ``filename``: filename to save the logs. ``accuracy.txt`` and ``loss.txt`` will be appended. * ``numEpoch``: number of epochs of logs to load. Default: None. ``numEpoch`` will be automatically determined from saved files. * ``modulo``: the gap in number of epoch before model was saved. Usage: .. code-block:: python # save stats stats.load(epoch=10) # save stats filename specified'Run101-0.001-', epoch=50) # Run101-0.001-accuracy.txt and Run101-0.001-loss.txt ''' saved = {} saved['accuracy'] = np.loadtxt(filename + 'accuracy.txt') saved['loss'] = np.loadtxt(filename + 'loss.txt') if numEpoch is None: saved['epoch'] = saved['loss'].shape[0] // modulo * modulo + 1 else: saved['epoch'] = numEpoch = saved['loss'][:saved['epoch'], 0].tolist() self.testing .lossLog = saved['loss'][:saved['epoch'], 1].tolist() = saved['loss'][:saved['epoch'], 0].min() self.testing .minloss = saved['loss'][:saved['epoch'], 1].min() = saved['accuracy'][:saved['epoch'], 0].tolist() self.testing .accuracyLog = saved['accuracy'][:saved['epoch'], 1].tolist() = saved['accuracy'][:saved['epoch'], 0].max() self.testing .maxAccuracy = saved['accuracy'][:saved['epoch'], 1].max() return saved['epoch']